6 Tips for Using LinkedIn the New Endorsements

Linkedin now gives you the opportunity to acquire ‘endorsements’ from fellow members. There are mixed views about how useful it will be with a large contingent of users feeling it will prove worthless because it is so easy to abuse. A bit like (in the olden days) the ‘keywords tag’ in the header of web pages. It was not long before search engines totally ignored the tag!!!!

Anyway, back to endorsements. A stunningly simple process – first add some skills to your own profile, and then wait for connections of yours to endorse one or more of them. That’s it!!!

The author also points out a possible additional strategy – you might use this to make yourself known to someone by endorsing them.

As I said, the fact it is so easy to abuse does make one sceptical its’ usefulness will soon be diminished.


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Ian Smith
Dr Ian Smith

32 years of marketing experience to help small businesses understand the world of website marketing.
