Search Engines
Google has been ordered to change its Privacy Policy in the UK, and by September 20th this year!
The Google Privacy Policy (Last modified: 24 June 2013) introduced by the company in March 2012 must change – so says… Continue reading
TLD (Top level Domain) – for example – domains for UK organisations, .de for german organisations, .us for US organisations.
A video from Google concerning the practice (that I must admit I was unaware of) of using ‘creative’ TLD’s… Continue reading
Is Google killing the long-tail? Quite possibly given changes such as the hiding from website owners of keywords used to find websites.
Interestingly, this is an opposing view to that covered in another infographic from only a few days ago… Continue reading

Rich snippets have been around for a while now – a technological improvement from the search engines that has left most of us wondering ………… what is it?
Andrew Tobert explains in an as-easy-to-understand-way-as-possible what it all means. He… Continue reading
Visibility in the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages) is paramount if you are expecting to generate traffic to your website from the search engines.
BUT, you may (or may not) have noticed things changing gradually and irreversibly over recent months.… Continue reading
5 Ways to Improve Local Search Results for Business
A good post by John Jantsch where he explains 5 key ways your local listing presence can be improved.
Be Geographically Complete – The issue of NAP (Name, Address, Phone) consistency… Continue reading
Google Now Reports “Practically 100%” Of Manual Actions
For almost two years now, Google has been introducing a number of algorithmic filters or “updates” that have had a noticeable impact on some sites beyond its usual algorithmic tweaks.… Continue reading
Excellent work by Miriam and Liam.
I agree with the concept of looking at the bigger ‘philosophical’ picture rather than getting bogged down in the minutiae of how things work this week (compared to last… Continue reading
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: More guidance on building high-quality sites
This is an ‘old’ post on the Official Webmaster Central Blog from May 2011. I know, the world of search engines moves so fast that this must be of… Continue reading
Look up medications more quickly and easily on Google – Inside Search.
Google have just announced the imminent availability of detailed information on prescription and OTC drugs. It appears there are a lot of searches on a regular basis… Continue reading
- Sony Xperia L Headset Problems | Headset Not Working
- Would you pay for your Facebook account in order to remove those annoying adverts/promotions?
- Google Places Migrating into Google+ Local | Problems with your local listing?
- Getting Hacked for your Personal Data | How to Protect from Hackers – Infographic
- ▶What makes us fat? – The Men Who Made Us Fat Part 1 of 12