Small Businesses – SMEs
A lot of work went into this infographic by the team at Epiphany Solutions Ltd. So if you are the owner of a small business, scan down over this and decide how your business might be improved by the adoption… Continue reading
Small Business Social Media – Where Do You Start?
A very useful introduction to the concept of utilising social media for small businesses. Christopher Bayes starts by identifying the major pros and major cons to getting involved in the social… Continue reading
Networking for and with Introverts in business
The advice given to introverts about networking usually boils down to tips on how to behave more like an extravert, and is often better described as networking for beginners or shy people.
Instead… Continue reading

Google credit card
Google is offering, via its Google Adwords programme, a credit card to invited businesses in the UK via Barclays. It can be used as the Primary or Backup card on the business’s Google Adwords account –… Continue reading
Networking without a strategy? Does it matter?
Another article by hj_townsend where the author is once again ensuring we remain focused when carrying out activities in the promotion of our businesses.
there is no doubt it takes a lot of… Continue reading

short on cash?
Brian Armstrong wrote this post in 2008. The information is still stunningly relevant and I appear to be the most recent in a very long line of bloggers linking to it! I’m sure I won’t be the… Continue reading has reported some recent research that suggests that the current poor labour market is forcing more young people into considering the idea of starting up their own business.
The office supply company Viking has carried out… Continue reading
Vince Cable discusses the small business bank [VIDEO]
The Business Secretary Vince Cable briefly discusses how the new small business bank will operate and how the government will manage it.
The government will not get involved in face-to-face lending as… Continue reading
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- Would you pay for your Facebook account in order to remove those annoying adverts/promotions?
- Google Places Migrating into Google+ Local | Problems with your local listing?
- Getting Hacked for your Personal Data | How to Protect from Hackers – Infographic
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