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Fax Mailing Articles
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"The Myth And The Reality Of Broadcast Fax Advertising - The Untold Story!"
Go on admit it - you hate fax advertising. You can't stand receiving unsolicited faxes. It annoys you - especially when these 'philistines' are using up your fax paper!
Well I have to say I'm like you. I get extremely annoyed, but only when I receive faxes that are NOT RELEVANT to me. And that's the key. Faxing is like direct mail - only more 'in your face.'
So receiving untargeted unsolicited faxes is annoying - very annoying, but when the company doing the faxing has done some 'homework' and made an offer that's relevant to me and my businesses, then I'll give the fax some attention. Sometimes I'll respond. Sometimes I'll file it away. And of course sometimes I'll 'bin' it.
Now I'm not saying everyone's like me, but many people are. Sure there are those that despise fax advertising so much they instantly rip the fax up and put it in the bin. Some even reply with abusive comments (why bother!). But whenever you do any type of marketing or advertising, you already know a large percentage of your recipients aren't going to be interested.
So what can we learn from this? Good question.
First, if broadcast fax advertising is going to work for you, you must use a good fax list and target people who are most likely to be interested in your offer. This is known as your 'target market' or 'niche.'
Second, your offer must be so attractive that it forces the recipient to read the fax.
And finally you should expect some 'abuse' from small-minded recipients who would rather spend time replying to your fax, than getting on with their jobs!
The truth is that faxing can be extremely productive for you, especially if you target it to the right people, and develop an irresistible offer.